욕심과 멸종(Greed and extinction)

Escapea’r, Greed and extinction, 2021, Acrylic and pen on paper, 41.8 x 28.5cm
Various types of extinction accelerated by greed and selfishness. This is a satirical picture of humans who have to eat whatever is good for their health to relieve their anger and humans who also face a crisis due to the collapse of the food chain. A chef, an endangered animal called ‘Pangolin’ and a plane with a propeller.
탐욕과 이기심이 가속화한 각종 멸종의 모습. 몸에 좋다면 뭐든 닥치는 대로 잡아 먹어야 직성이 풀리는 인간과 먹이사슬 붕괴로 인해 덩달아 위기에 직면하게 되는 인간을 풍자한 그림. 요리사와 멸종위기 동물인 천갑산, 프로펠러가 달린 비행기.
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